Apologies as I’ve neglected my blog for some time now.
I thought I would just post some pictures of the various things I’ve been up to.
I am currently very busy teaching but also trying to prepare for as many as FOUR art fairs!
That is my first and most exciting news: I’ve been accepted into the following fairs:
The 57th Street Art Fair June 5 & 6
Krasl on the Bluff in St. Joseph Michigan July 10 & 11
The Kohler in Sheboygan Wisconsin July 17 & 18 and
The Powderhorn Park Art Fair in Minneapolis August 7 & 8 !
Also I am lucky enough to be working again with the 6th graders at Murphy School to finish our Mosaic Time Line. This year we are doing: Feudal Japan, the Renaissance and the Age of Exploration.and for the Age of Exploration a globe with a ship sailing on it.
Whenever I get any chunk of time, I am making work for the fairs. I am excited about the images I’ve recently carved on some salad plates and casseroles.(I’m so mad I cropped off the bottom of the plate when I was shooting!)
Here’s another plate- this shape was inspired by a great plate I bought from Bob Briscoe
side view :
and I want to do more of these! Perspective
from above
Lastly, I am currently in a faculty show at Lill Street. It opened May 1.
This is one of my Kelp Vases and it was Soda Fired which was just the right treatment for that surface.
Stop by and see it in person as well as all the other amazing work by my colleagues at Lill!
Amazing…Thanks for the updates, I so enjoy seeing what you are making…And the vase looks marvelous in the gallery!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for your wonderful blog…as a beginning ceramist i have learned a lot from your directions. they are concise and very clear.