Sgraffito Workshop

We had a delightful sgraffito workshop Sunday, October 11, at Lill.


I started with the basic question of what is slip?

In its simplest form, slip is clay that has had water added to it, possibly pigment and been sieved to make it very smooth. At Lill, we use Grolleg porcelain and Mason stains for colorant.


I talked about application. 

It is key to understand how slip works – a wrong application will just come off your pot. 

Because slip is CLAY, it shrinks.  That means you can not put it on a bone dry pot. Your slip will shrink as it dries and simply flake off. 


Because it is Porcelain, it shrinks at a slightly different rate than stoneware and therefore when you apply it to stoneware, you have to be more careful that it bonds to the surface or again, it will come off- sometimes even after the glaze firing.

Here is an example of Porcelain on porcelain- THICK and I know (because I watched her) that this was put on with a frosting bag onto leather hard porcelain. This is a photo of the bisked piece- it made it through the drying and firing process without coming off:

porcelain on porcelain-thick


So while it is pretty easy and forgiving to put a porcelain slip onto porcelain pots,

I have a couple of tips for applying it to stoneware.


First of all, the more “wet” your stoneware, the better – although the other end of that spectrum is, that your pot will absorb some of the liquid from the slip and could, conceivably, collapse from absorbing too much moisture.

That is the beauty of the slump mold- it can just lie there, bonding while it dries.

freshly slipped slump moldYou can see it’s white slip over stoneware if you look at the edge.

It also helps to put it on thinly

and lastly, it helps to burnish it on to further bond it with the surface of your pot. You can do that when the surface is leather hard.


What I do for application is fairly ideal; I put the slip on my porcelain pots after they are leather hard and I’ve trimmed them.

I then “carve” (or sgraffito) them while they are still leather hard.

This also reduces my chances of breathing in a lot of clay dust as my shavings are still wet. 

Because those shavings dry quickly and then they do become dusty, I then dump them in a little cup or bowl of water to keep them out of my lungs!good way to keep dust down


Now that the pots were ready,  I started in on the fun stuff.

Basic sgraffito is just scratching through slip. that’s what I did for this rabbit (above) and below fired with soda ash waterHere is an example of the same technique (and her inspiration!) by one of the students. This is slip over Terra Cotta.

jean's design (white porc. slip over terra cotta)Isn’t that cool?


Here are two more examples from the shelves of Lill- these are both with a dark slip and white of the porcelain showing through- quite the reverse!

negative sgraffito (black over white, cler glaze)blue over porcelain (clear glaze)


The next type of sgraffito  uses the negative space to make the picture: in this case an octopus.

the bowl with the design roughed in

There are several ways to do this- one is to rough in the basic design without covering the entire pot with slip. This has the advantage of saving time and guiding your design but it can be limiting in that you have to stick with the lines you painted on.

roughed in bowl with octo drawn inAnd then after carving:

final octo carved

If you cover the entire piece with slip, it becomes a blank slate upon which, you can draw anything. If I don’t know what I’m going to draw ahead of time, I will paint the whole thing and look for inspiration in the patterns and textures of the slip when it’s on the pot.

unfinished drawing to be carved out in black field

Layered slip  gives you some interesting lines qualities- in this case I started with white over stoneware.  Once that was bonded and the piece leather-hard, I put on a layer of black, waited for that to stop being shiny and added a layer of aqua.

I drew fish with simple lines.

Here is the tray with layered slip (blue over green over white on stoneware) I did from the last workshop. It is glazed in Celadon.

layered slip  (blue over green over white on stone ware- celadon glaze)

Inlaid slip  is the complete reverse of the technique I used to draw the rabbit. There are several helpful things to know when you are inlaying slip. It is probably more important to make your lines deep than wide since you will be scraping off a thin layer of the pot, a shallow line can disappear.  The drier the slip and the pot, the cleaner the line will appear when you are scraping. This is what a partially scraped inlaid piece looks like (black and a little blue in porcelain)inlaid slip partially scraped away

Here is an example of Jeanne’s. jeanne's inlaid slip after scraping (black in terra cotta)Here is the tray in inlaid for the last workshop. It is glazed in Shaner clear mixed with Temoku.


inlaid slip glazed in shaner clear mixed with Temoku

Here are a couple more examples of (really great) student work!mark's final snake designjeanne's designSeeing this last example reminds me to tell you that:

A.. this technique is great for a delicate and intricate design and 

B. CLAY BURRS- these are the bane of any sgraffito-er’s existence. You must have the patience to let them dry before you try to get them off otherwise they will stick back down onto your pot. Usually they dry pretty quickly as they are so small and sticking up, they get a lot of air around them.

Once they are dry, you can easily knock them off with a brush- another caution: DO NOT use a stiff bristled brush or you will scratch your slip surface. I use a makeup brush. These are idea, soft and easy to find – either in a pharmacy or the garbage on moving day!my basic sgraffito tools



Well, after having so many rabbits showing up on my pots,


when I came across an old copy of Watership Down by Richard Adams

I felt I should reread it.

I loved it again and could hardly set it down. 

No sooner had I finished (and urged my daughter to read it) than she found and captured a domesticated rabbit in the park!

Her name is Alice and not only is she beautiful, she’s got a lovely personality.


Now I guess I have a better model than this one who moved into our yard this spring

wild-rabbit-in-our-gardenby the way, the arrow is part of a weather vane in our yard- quite a ways from the rabbit but serendipitously pointing at the rabbit!

Also, he was hungrily looking at our little vegetable patch.

So what is it about rabbits?

Well, we love the Medicine Cards book by Jamie Sands and David Carson.

and what it says about Rabbit is this:

…“Rabbit medicine people are so afraid of tragedy, illness, disaster and being taken that they call those very fears to them to teach them lessons.  …. Here is the lesson. If you pulled Rabbit [card], stop talking about horrible things happening and get rid of “what if” in your vocabulary. This card may signal a time of worry about the future …

The paralyzed feeling which Rabbit experiences when being stalked is Rabbit in the contrary position. If you have tried to resolve a situation in your life and are unable to, you may be feeling frozen in motion. This could indicate a time to wait for the forces of the universe to start moving again.  It could also indicate the need to stop and take a rest. It will always indicate a time when you need to re-evaluate the process you are undergoing and to rid yourself of any negative  feelings, barriers, or duress. Simply put, you cannot have your influence felt until you rearrange your way of seeing the present set of circumstances. It is the way  in which you handle problems that allows you to succeed…”


Watership Down calls that frozen state “tharn” and you can get locked in it

I do feel we are/I am in this state recently and admit, I find it helpful to learn these things- that we’ve got some rabbit energy going right now.

However, I still wonder if that’s why I’m drawn to them right now to put on my pots; what they mean to me personally perhaps without all the reading. alice-on-hind-legs

Certainly I’m excited to see “wild” animals in the city and visually, I love drawing the texture of their fur and their ears and faces.alice-cleans-her-whiskers

I wish I could capture more of their motion.


Alice, when we put her in a little fenced in area outside, does this lovely little leap where she seems to kick out once she’s in the air. It gives the illusion of flight, of a momentary suspension in the air.

It’s wonderful; I wish I could do it.

Ah, there it is, perhaps I’m hoping, after waiting quietly that once the universe does start moving again, I get to fly.

Just a little.